A-O Class of 1976



Dear Classmate


No, you’re not misreading the calendar, it’s still three years until we celebrate our 30th reunion, but following the wishes of the class it is time to start making plans.  Those of us who attended the 25th reunion decided that when we meet next time we would try and do something special…a cruise.


This is an ambitious undertaking.  In order to pull this off I need to find out how many of you are interested in participating.  I don’t need an actual commitment, or any money at this time, but knowing how many to plan for will make things easier when talking to travel agents and cruise lines.  Discounts are available based on certain numbers.  Also if anyone is interested in helping make arrangements that would be appreciated, my schedule, like my residence, is very fluid.


The time frame we are looking at is fall or winter 2006-2007.  I have included a postcard I would like all of you to return to me.  It gives you the option of being firmly onboard, considering going along, or no interest at all.  For those of you who have no interest, this will be the last time I contact you on this matter, provided you at least return the postcard to me.  If I don’t hear back from you I will try and call you before the end of October.  If anyone would like to contact me via email, that would certainly make things easier, please use the address listed below.


Finally the web site many of you visited prior to and following the 25th reunion is still up but has moved to a new address www.ajpetersen.com/reunion it contains pictures from past reunions and such.  I will also post info about the cruise and setup an electronic bulletin board as well


I’m still looking for pictures to post on the web site, if you have any that you would like to share please send them to me and I’ll return them quickly.




Alan Petersen

